Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Fight For Libya's Future

The fight continues for the future of Libya. In the map above the opposition is said to have control of most of the area east of Misratah and G. controls Tripoli and to the west. The south is reported under control of the opposition or it is mostly desert. According to the news Zuwahrah is in the control of the opposition. Will this be better for Libya? Perhaps the future is brighter but the truth is after the fighting has ended, after power has been granted to another group, after all the turmoil and unrest has settled, which could take a very long time, Libya will have to recover and decide what is next.

Libya Protests

After the dust has settled and the wounded and dead have been taken care of then comes the time of grief and recovery. The rebuilding will need to start, picking up the pieces one piece at a time. The time of putting lives back together will be a challenge for the people of Libya. The time of hatred and distrust will need to be put aside. Libya will need to be rebuilt one brick, one stone, one person, one child at a time.

What role will the west and the world play in this process? This question is one that needs to be answered by the people of Libya. The people need to make some very hard choices. Will they be a shining star for North Africa or will they allow others to tell them what to do? The world can give advice but it must be the people of Libya who decide, not one person or a select few but the people. I saw a poster being held by a child on CNN today when they were showing pictures of the protesters, ONE MAN ONE VOTE, which should be ONE PERSON ONE VOTE. No citizen who is of legal age should be denied the right to vote on what they want for the future of Libya. Equality, respect, justice is the right of anyone regardless of beliefs, gender or age.

Please pray for the people of Libya that they make the best choices for the future of their country. It will be a rough road but if I know the people, I believe they will succeed.

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