Yesterday we received word our family was safe for now. The description given was one of anger and terror as the leader Gadhafi ordered planes to drop bombs on the town of Brega. Brega is an oil port city of approximately 13,000 people. It is a strategic site due to the fact it refines oil and is the source of the gas line which runs to Benghazi. As stated in the news Benghazi was the first major city to fall to the opposition forces.
The international community stated on numerous occasions they could not prove that G. was using military force but in a report by CNN correspondent Bill Wedeman who witnessed the dropping of the bombs and stated on TV of how close one of those bombs came to hitting them, they now have proof. Video even showed the cloud of smoke and dust from one of the bombs and the crater left afterward. Watching what was happening yesterday and being worried sick about family members has changed my opinion on what should be done. When someone threatens my family with actions such as these I feel they need to be brought to justice swiftly.
Witnesses: Fresh air strikes hit eastern Libyan towns
In the report by CNN a government spokesman, Musa Ibrahim, states the protesters are armed and attacking police stations and they have arrested people who can confirm their allegations. Read the full report from the link above. Anyone who knows the regime knows that any statements by those under arrest cannot be trusted as they are either paid to say so or are doing so under duress. G. is infamous on his tactics to get people to say what he wants. If you are Libyan and you say anything against the government, you disappear and may not be heard from again.
It is amazing how people such as Gadhafi, Hitler, Mussolini, even going back to Nero have this twisted idea they are loved by everyone and they can do no wrong. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely and this is seen whenever humans gain control. Why is that people such as these do not get the concept if you treat your people with dignity and take care of them so they are healthy, happy and taken care of then they will appreciate you. Granted you cannot please all the people all the time but in the case of a well fed, well housed, free thinking society, rebellion is the farthest from the minds of the majority of the people.
G. quoted from the Quran about not rebelling against your leaders. Yet when a leader is unjust it is the right of the people to change the leadership. Allah does not give unilateral rights to a leader to abuse their power and if G. truly followed the strictures of the Quran as revealed by the Prophet Mohammad (saaws). He would know he is facing the fires of hell for his actions. May Allah protect the innocent.
Getting back to the fight for Libya, as I stated previously the people of Libya need to decide their path but it is the mandate of the world as conscientious human beings to support the fight against tyranny and murderers. There are other countries such as Russia which went through its own revolution not too long ago and China which is beginning to feel the effects of a people who have had enough of dictatorial rule, who need to take heed of the tide that has started where people want freedom of thought, speech and action, as once the wave starts it continues until it hits a solid mass then it either crushes the mass or wears it down.
I will continue to update my blog as often as I can please pray for those who are in harms way no matter where they are.
The international community stated on numerous occasions they could not prove that G. was using military force but in a report by CNN correspondent Bill Wedeman who witnessed the dropping of the bombs and stated on TV of how close one of those bombs came to hitting them, they now have proof. Video even showed the cloud of smoke and dust from one of the bombs and the crater left afterward. Watching what was happening yesterday and being worried sick about family members has changed my opinion on what should be done. When someone threatens my family with actions such as these I feel they need to be brought to justice swiftly.
Witnesses: Fresh air strikes hit eastern Libyan towns
In the report by CNN a government spokesman, Musa Ibrahim, states the protesters are armed and attacking police stations and they have arrested people who can confirm their allegations. Read the full report from the link above. Anyone who knows the regime knows that any statements by those under arrest cannot be trusted as they are either paid to say so or are doing so under duress. G. is infamous on his tactics to get people to say what he wants. If you are Libyan and you say anything against the government, you disappear and may not be heard from again.
It is amazing how people such as Gadhafi, Hitler, Mussolini, even going back to Nero have this twisted idea they are loved by everyone and they can do no wrong. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely and this is seen whenever humans gain control. Why is that people such as these do not get the concept if you treat your people with dignity and take care of them so they are healthy, happy and taken care of then they will appreciate you. Granted you cannot please all the people all the time but in the case of a well fed, well housed, free thinking society, rebellion is the farthest from the minds of the majority of the people.
G. quoted from the Quran about not rebelling against your leaders. Yet when a leader is unjust it is the right of the people to change the leadership. Allah does not give unilateral rights to a leader to abuse their power and if G. truly followed the strictures of the Quran as revealed by the Prophet Mohammad (saaws). He would know he is facing the fires of hell for his actions. May Allah protect the innocent.
Getting back to the fight for Libya, as I stated previously the people of Libya need to decide their path but it is the mandate of the world as conscientious human beings to support the fight against tyranny and murderers. There are other countries such as Russia which went through its own revolution not too long ago and China which is beginning to feel the effects of a people who have had enough of dictatorial rule, who need to take heed of the tide that has started where people want freedom of thought, speech and action, as once the wave starts it continues until it hits a solid mass then it either crushes the mass or wears it down.
I will continue to update my blog as often as I can please pray for those who are in harms way no matter where they are.
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