The oil town of Ras Lanuf appears to be under the control of the freedom fighters which is how I will refer to the rebels in Libya as this is what they are fighting for their freedom of choice. The freedom to choose their leader, their freedom to speak plainly.
The battle for Zawiyyah continues with a continued loss of life. Those of us who are safe and out of the way of harm, sit and watch and shake our heads. Yet, if we look into our past many of the things that are going on now in the Middle East and North Africa are the same things our country went through. The revolutionary war, when we fought for our freedom from King George, the civil war where brother fought against brother for the rights they believed in which were economics to which slavery was attached. As a country we have been and are involved in several wars. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, The Gulf War, and now Afghanistan to name the ones many are are familiar. The question the world faces do we get involved in another conflict? Do we interfere again in another country's affairs? The answer is where do we as compassionate, conscientious humans draw the line of what is right or wrong.
Is there an answer that addresses all the problems associated with getting involved? The answer is no there is not an answer that satisfies everyone. What the world needs to consider is what is morally right. Ambiguity in the face of obvious misuse of power only sends the wrong message. There are going to be those in the world who do not agree with what some consider right and wrong. These are countries who also limit the freedoms of their populace and these countries know that if they support a response to the Libyan situation, they are supporting what they are denying their own citizens.
Where do the Libyan people go from here, they have made the choice and that is freedom. The question is what will the world do to assist those who only want what others consider their right. As was stated yesterday by a Libyan freedom fighter "we will fight or we will die."
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