"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable" (John F. Kennedy)
On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council with a vote of five abstentions and ten yes votes with none against approved a no fly zone over Libya. The wording of the resolution states that:
"Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to the Security Council;"
With the passage of this resolution, the US, Britain and France, initiated strikes against the Gadhafi regime. This came just before G. as I refer to him was prepared to attack Benghazi and show no mercy to the people there. He made it very plain he was prepared to murder any who had stood against him. Previously he had attacked Zawiyyah, Misrata, Brega, Ras Lanouf and Adjabiya, in which many had died or were injured.
How did this all start? What was the catalyst that moved from peaceful protests to revolt? Simple, when a government turns on its people and begins to shoot them with live ammunition and terrorize them because the people do not agree with the leader, this is when protests turn violent.
When will the leaders of the world realize that when you try to repress a group of people that after so long the people will rise? History has repeatedly shown this as the truth. It happened in the time of Nero and down through history, more recently, the US against King George, the French against King Louis, The world against Hitler and Mussolini. Recently we witnessed the fall of the Berlin wall and the break up of Russia, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Today we see the fight for Libya take a new turn as just when the freedom fighters were close to being defeated the world community decided to intervene.
There are those who will criticize what is being done and if a person follows twitter, it is imperialism again. Even G. has stated the west is trying to colonize Libya and take the oil from the people. Granted the international coalition has an ulterior motive as many countries do not embark on something of this magnitude with out a reason and we may never know all the facts. There is one fact that is clear though and that is G. has committed murder, he is a dictator, and he vows to stay in power. His son Saif al Islam stated he would take the lives of "ONE MILLION" Libyans to keep his power. ONE MILLION LIBYAN LIVES are Saif;s and G.'s price for power.
There is a name for these type of people in Arabic it is Shaitin al Jinn (The Evil Satan) because only an evil person could state they would take one million lives to stay in power. G. has had a reputation for terrorism, crimes against his own people and playing groups against each other to maintain his power. He has taught his sons what it is to be a despot and so now they follow in his footsteps most notably Saif Al Islam which means (Sword of Islam), and yet Islam in no way condones these actions. It is a very harsh thing for one Muslim to say to another you are not Muslim but actions speak louder than words.
Going back to the resolution, many critics are out there saying they regret the military actions being taken and they feel we should not get involved in another war, because it is war pure and simple and we should hide our heads in the sand while countries around the world abuse their people for the benefit of a few, well the question to be asked is what if the shoe was on the other foot and these same people who are criticizing and regretting were the ones being shot at by their leaders what would they say then? The truth is if any of the leaders and those in power were the average person of their countries such as China, Russia and others and they were on the receiving end of the bullets and bombs, they would be screaming at the top of their lungs for someone to save them. But of course many despots have no morals or if you believe in a soul to begin with that they would think they are loved by those trying to kill them, "My people love me and they will die for me" as G said many times and yet the majority of the people want him gone.
In 1996, the was an act of brutality the regime denies to this day but many Libyans know about because they were affected.
Abu Salim Prison
The ultimate motives of the coalition can be questioned but there is no doubt about the fact that G and his cohorts which include his family, are only concerned about staying in power regardless the cost in human lives. Can Libya survive and become better? It is said that steel must be tempered by fire and the Libyan people are being tempered by their fire of revolution. May LIBYA LIVE LONG AND FREE!!
On March 17, 2011, the UN Security Council with a vote of five abstentions and ten yes votes with none against approved a no fly zone over Libya. The wording of the resolution states that:
"Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to the Security Council;"
With the passage of this resolution, the US, Britain and France, initiated strikes against the Gadhafi regime. This came just before G. as I refer to him was prepared to attack Benghazi and show no mercy to the people there. He made it very plain he was prepared to murder any who had stood against him. Previously he had attacked Zawiyyah, Misrata, Brega, Ras Lanouf and Adjabiya, in which many had died or were injured.
How did this all start? What was the catalyst that moved from peaceful protests to revolt? Simple, when a government turns on its people and begins to shoot them with live ammunition and terrorize them because the people do not agree with the leader, this is when protests turn violent.
When will the leaders of the world realize that when you try to repress a group of people that after so long the people will rise? History has repeatedly shown this as the truth. It happened in the time of Nero and down through history, more recently, the US against King George, the French against King Louis, The world against Hitler and Mussolini. Recently we witnessed the fall of the Berlin wall and the break up of Russia, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. Today we see the fight for Libya take a new turn as just when the freedom fighters were close to being defeated the world community decided to intervene.
There are those who will criticize what is being done and if a person follows twitter, it is imperialism again. Even G. has stated the west is trying to colonize Libya and take the oil from the people. Granted the international coalition has an ulterior motive as many countries do not embark on something of this magnitude with out a reason and we may never know all the facts. There is one fact that is clear though and that is G. has committed murder, he is a dictator, and he vows to stay in power. His son Saif al Islam stated he would take the lives of "ONE MILLION" Libyans to keep his power. ONE MILLION LIBYAN LIVES are Saif;s and G.'s price for power.
There is a name for these type of people in Arabic it is Shaitin al Jinn (The Evil Satan) because only an evil person could state they would take one million lives to stay in power. G. has had a reputation for terrorism, crimes against his own people and playing groups against each other to maintain his power. He has taught his sons what it is to be a despot and so now they follow in his footsteps most notably Saif Al Islam which means (Sword of Islam), and yet Islam in no way condones these actions. It is a very harsh thing for one Muslim to say to another you are not Muslim but actions speak louder than words.
Going back to the resolution, many critics are out there saying they regret the military actions being taken and they feel we should not get involved in another war, because it is war pure and simple and we should hide our heads in the sand while countries around the world abuse their people for the benefit of a few, well the question to be asked is what if the shoe was on the other foot and these same people who are criticizing and regretting were the ones being shot at by their leaders what would they say then? The truth is if any of the leaders and those in power were the average person of their countries such as China, Russia and others and they were on the receiving end of the bullets and bombs, they would be screaming at the top of their lungs for someone to save them. But of course many despots have no morals or if you believe in a soul to begin with that they would think they are loved by those trying to kill them, "My people love me and they will die for me" as G said many times and yet the majority of the people want him gone.
In 1996, the was an act of brutality the regime denies to this day but many Libyans know about because they were affected.
Abu Salim Prison
The ultimate motives of the coalition can be questioned but there is no doubt about the fact that G and his cohorts which include his family, are only concerned about staying in power regardless the cost in human lives. Can Libya survive and become better? It is said that steel must be tempered by fire and the Libyan people are being tempered by their fire of revolution. May LIBYA LIVE LONG AND FREE!!
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