The news states the situation in Libya is unrest the people who are fighting against the status quo rebels.
The definition of unrest below.
1. lack of rest; a restless, troubled, or uneasy state; disquiet: the unrest within himself.
2. disturbance or turmoil; agitation: political unrest.
One definition of War by Merriam Webster online
a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
So which is it? In my opinion when a leader uses air strikes, mortars and heavy weapons, this elevates the conflict from unrest to a state of war. All the U.S. needs to do is go back in our history when we fought for our freedom from the tyrannical reign of King George. A famous American now considered a hero of the revolutionary war Patrick Henry stated "Give me liberty or give me death." A rebel in Libya was caught on TV saying "we will fight or we will die."Is this not what the people of Libya are fighting for or in other countries such as Egypt, Bahrain and other countries. Right now the news is reporting over 17 countries are experiencing protests. In each people have lost their lives for wanting the right to freedom. They do not want the west to tell them what to do but they do want the freedoms we take for granted. The freedom to choose, the freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protests. In each of these instances things only turned violent when the government used violence. The old adage violence begets violence has shown to be true when governments attack their people.
The Libyan people are in the middle of the most violent conflict so far in the area and many innocent people are being killed. It is known by those who know the regime that if they are left in power and regain control of the country; those who have stood in protest will be killed or disappear. This is the only way dictatorial regimes can maintain control. In the case of Libya the number of people this could happen to would be in the hundreds or thousands. Can the world stand by and let this happen? Only time will tell as the world has done so in the past with the genocide in Rawanda, and other situations around the world.
Please pray for the people of Libya and please do not stand on the sidelines while innocents die.
The definition of unrest below.
1. lack of rest; a restless, troubled, or uneasy state; disquiet: the unrest within himself.
2. disturbance or turmoil; agitation: political unrest.
One definition of War by Merriam Webster online
a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
So which is it? In my opinion when a leader uses air strikes, mortars and heavy weapons, this elevates the conflict from unrest to a state of war. All the U.S. needs to do is go back in our history when we fought for our freedom from the tyrannical reign of King George. A famous American now considered a hero of the revolutionary war Patrick Henry stated "Give me liberty or give me death." A rebel in Libya was caught on TV saying "we will fight or we will die."Is this not what the people of Libya are fighting for or in other countries such as Egypt, Bahrain and other countries. Right now the news is reporting over 17 countries are experiencing protests. In each people have lost their lives for wanting the right to freedom. They do not want the west to tell them what to do but they do want the freedoms we take for granted. The freedom to choose, the freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protests. In each of these instances things only turned violent when the government used violence. The old adage violence begets violence has shown to be true when governments attack their people.
The Libyan people are in the middle of the most violent conflict so far in the area and many innocent people are being killed. It is known by those who know the regime that if they are left in power and regain control of the country; those who have stood in protest will be killed or disappear. This is the only way dictatorial regimes can maintain control. In the case of Libya the number of people this could happen to would be in the hundreds or thousands. Can the world stand by and let this happen? Only time will tell as the world has done so in the past with the genocide in Rawanda, and other situations around the world.
Please pray for the people of Libya and please do not stand on the sidelines while innocents die.
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