Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Fight Continues

Today there were news reports of more fighting between the freedom fighters and pro G forces. State TV for G states they had taken back the cities of Tobruk, Misurata and Ben Jawad, yet the freedom fighters state they continue to hold on. There was more fighting in the City of Zawiyyah and yet the rebel forces continue to hold on.

Meanwhile in the city of Benghazi, the Council for the Interim Government continued to establish more functions as they elected individuals from around the country to serve on the behalf of the Libyan people until such a time as G. is forced out of power as this is what it is going to take force to remove the cancer that continues to infest the country and the town of Tripoli. Just as in the times of former dictators and tyrants, there remain the few who will not give up till the bitter end. Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin for those who remember the leader of Uganda and others fail to realize when the time for them to leave has arrived. They insist on taking their people and their countries down with them as they bring destruction on their countries in the name to maintain their power.

Saddam Hussein almost brought his country to ruin as he fought against those who deemed it was time for him to go. He had a record of atrocities against his people with the use of chemical weapons on the Kurdish people in the north. The reason for the comparison between Hussein and G. is they both have the same psychopathic pathologies. Killing those who do not agree with them and the precedents from the past are there for us to see. We can go back to the beginning of time and the historical records speak of those rulers who perpetrated on their people what is being perpetrated on those today.

We have seen Tunisia, Egypt, protests in Yemen, Bahrain and even rumors of protests in Saudi Arabia. The wave has started and only when leaders in these and other countries realize that the time for going back has passed and now it is the time for change.

The freedom fighters continue to make advancements event though they are poorly trained and have limited arms, they continue to win skirmishes. Looking back at our own past what the freedom fighters of Libya are doing is fighting guerrilla warfare. They are not a formally organized army but yet they continue to stand against a murderous tyrant. The sad thing is women and children are being caught in the cross fire. Today on the news a 10 year old boy heard shooting and went out and was caught in the crossfire. No word on if the child will survive or how extensive his injuries, yet the freedom fighters continue on.

G. needs to realize that the more he attacks his people the more angry he makes them and the more they will fight back. The freedom fighters need to realize they have the numbers and their best defense is a good offense. They need to spread G. forces as thin as possible as G. does not have the resources to sustain a multi-front war for any length of time. This is going to be a war of attrition and the freedom fighters must stay till the end because if G. regains power of the country the consequences will be catastrophic.

May Allah protect the innocent and may the freedom fighters win the war.

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